Sunmi Ex-Wonder Girls Welcomes Second Child Birth

Sunmi EX-WONDER GIRLS Welcomes Second Child Birth | Former member of the Wonder Girls' Sunye, welcomed the birth of her second child !!..

Former member of the Wonder Girls' Sunye, welcomed the birth of her second child !!

Sunmi EX-WONDER GIRLS Welcomes Second Child Birth

On April 23, through his facebook account he wrote, "On April 22, 6:50 a.m. 하진 (Ha Jin) Elisha Park. I gave birth to my second child at home with a midwife. Thank you very much for those who have prayed for me. An amazing blessing. "

In the photos, we can see the baby along with her first child, Park Eun Yoo (Hailey)..

Meanwhile, Sunye married a Canadian missionary, James Park in January 2013..

Source : koreanindo
Sunmi Ex-Wonder Girls Welcomes Second Child Birth Sunmi Ex-Wonder Girls Welcomes Second Child Birth Reviewed by Adam Yuzu on 9:45:00 PM Rating: 5

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